Mountain Farm

Here's a new one. 6"x6" Oil painting. For this one, I really tried to look at the shapes abstractly. The main thing was to get the values correct. A lot of fun to do. Look for more soon. Thanks!

Just an apple

I thought I would put this up. I think it came out pretty good. It was the first still life I have done in oils in years and really a lot of fun. Look for more fruits and veggies to show up here soon. 

Sunset Barn

Here's a new oil painting. Size 6"x6" This was done down in Scotland, Maryland. Below are some photos I took.

Winter Farm

Here's an oil painting I did of an old farm in the winter. 6"x6"

Abbott Henderson Thayer

Yesterday, I was at the National Gallery here in DC. They have a show of some of the recently acquired paintings from the Corcoran Collection. There was one there that blew me away. A painting by Abbott Henderson Thayer. This is one he painted of Mt. Monadnock in New Hampshire. He did a bunch of paintings of this mountain. Up close it really is a beautiful piece. Very loose, great colors and lots of layering. Kinda reminded me of the artist Douglas Fryer or Michael Workman.


Here's an oil painting I did up in Maine outside of the town of Camden. Beautiful spot. 5x7"


Here's another oil painting 6x6". I really tried to look at the light and how it changes the colors of objects. I squinted a lot and stepped back a lot. It really helps you see the values. Also for this one I drew a pretty tight sketch on the gesso board and that helped.

New Landscape

Here's a new landscape I did in oils. This was a tough one. So many colors. I'm really enjoying getting back into oil painting.